The last time we had ~120 attendees and quite packed program: Lars Vogel spoke about e4, Benjamin Muskalla and Holger Staudacher talked about the regular day of a committer at, Manuel Bork presented UMLLab, Karsten Thoms introduced Maven Tycho, Kai Kreuzer demonstrated how to control your home with OSGI, Berthold Daum showed his photo managing software Zora, Stefan Lay gave first insights into EGit, Janos Koppany spoke about DVCS, and Lothar Wieske highlighted Bespin. Who had known at this time that Orion was going to come, Tycho would be that popular, e4 looks that neat, and life as a committer has so much to do with latency :)
This program was hard to beat. But we spent quite some time to get comitters for the latest "en vogue" topics. This time we have 8 talks. Each one will be 15 minutes + one extended talk with 30 minutes. This is the program of this year's Eclipse DemoCamp Darmstadt:
- Andreas Hoegger and Matthias Zimmermann (BSI Business Systems Integration AG) introduce Eclipse Scout. Thanks for presenting Scout the first time ever on a DemoCamp!
- Christian Schneider (Yatta Solutions) speaks about creating Taks-focused diagrams with Mylyn and UML Lab.
- Simon Kaufmann and Jochen Hiller (SAP AG / Deutsche Telekom) speak about Eclipse Skalli - the latest approach to project management portal which brings more transparency to your teams.
- Sascha Scholz (SAP AG) talks about integrating Git/Gerrit with Jenkins and Mylyn (AKA Mylyn Builds ++)
- Stefan Lay and Matthias Sohn (SAP AG) let us know whether or not "Egit is ready for prime time". I bet it is!
- Holger Staudacher (EclipseSource) let's you know what's going on in Eclipse RT Universe.
- Falko Menge (Camunda) gives you the spirit of modeling your business with Activiti and BPMN2.
- Marcus Ficner (Itemis) gives an extended talk about cross-platform mobile development with APPLause. Friends of Android and iOS keep your mobiles ready for this talk!
And of course, there will be free food and drinks. This event is sponsored by BSI Business Systems Integration AG, msg systems, Deutsche Telekom, and Darmstadt University of Technology. Thanks to our sponsors for their support and helping us to make this event happen again the third time now!

The event starts on 21.06., 17:00 at Deutsche Telekom AG, T-Online-Allee 1 in Darmstadt. For location details and latest news please check
Register for the event here:
Looking forward to a great event!
Looking forward to a great event!